Spray foam insulation comes in two different types—open-cell and closed-cell. When insulating your home or commercial building, you must decide which of these types of spray foam insulation you want to use. They each have their pros and cons, and your choice could make a big difference in the cost of installation and the insulation’s performance.

Open - Cell

Open-cell spray foam insulation is soft. The cell walls are broken, and air fills up all of the open space inside the material. Open-cell typically comes in a .5 lbs/cu.ft. density. The advantage of this lower density is that it provides an economic yield, making it about half the cost of closed-cell foam insulation.

  • Expansion

    Expands to 120x it's original size.

  • Leak Detection

    Water passes through it, making it easy to detect leaks in the roof line.

  • Noise Reduction

    Excellent noise redection - about twice as effective as closed-cell foam.

  • Low Density

    Typically comes in .5 lb per cubic foot.

  • Low Cost

    Provides economic yield and is about half the cost of closed-cell foam insulation.

Open-cell foam is used in a wide range of applications, such as for noise reduction in sound rooms, home insulation, metal buildings, under roof deck for semi-conditioned attics, and more.

Closed - Cell

Closed-cell spray foam insulation is highly efficient. This structural insulation makes for an incredibly effective air barrier, and with its low moisture vapor permeability, it’s highly resistant to water. Its density is typically 2 lbs/cu.ft. Closed-cell foam also offers one of the highest R-values (resistance to heat flow) of any insulation on the market.

  • Strength

    Increases structural strength by up to 200-300x.

  • Durable

    Can be left exposed without risk of damage.

  • FEMA Approved

    Only FEMA-approved insulation type.

  • Efficient

    Incredibly effective air barrier and highly resistant to water.

  • Heat Resistant

    Offers one of the highest R-values (resistance to heat flow) of any insulation on the market.

Common applications for closed-cell insulation include wine rooms, metal buildings, containers, and cold floors.